Using Social Platforms For Parent-Teacher Communication

In today’s digital age, schools and teachers have more options than ever when it comes to communicating with parents. Email and phone calls are still commonly used, but many are now turning to social media platforms as an effective way to keep parents engaged and informed.

Here we have briefly explained how social media can contribute to effective parent-teacher communication. Also, we will tell you the tips that both teachers and parents should follow in order to make mutual communication better.

Benefits of Using Social Media For Parent-Teacher Communication

Using social platforms for parent-teacher communication has many benefits:

  • Increased engagement – Parents are more likely to check social media on a regular basis than email. This allows for better engagement and helps parents stay up to date on school news and their child’s progress.
  • Real-time updates – Teachers can easily provide real-time updates, share photos/videos, and make quick announcements via social platforms. This is more effective than email or print communications.
  • Dialogue – Social platforms allow for two-way communication. Parents can comment, ask questions, and interact directly with teachers.
  • Accessibility – Social media is accessible across many devices from anywhere at any time. This accommodates parents’ on-the-go lifestyles.
  • Targeted communication – Teachers can share updates, news, and resources with parents of specific classes or groups.

Popular Platforms for Parent-Teacher Communication

Here are some of the top social media platforms used for school-to-home communication along with their key features:


  • Allows teachers to create private groups specifically for classroom parents.
  • Teachers can post updates, share links, host Q&As, and more.
  • Parents can comment, participate in discussions, and receive notifications.


  • Teachers create class accounts that parents can follow for quick updates.
  • Useful for sharing reminders, updates, photos, and making announcements.
  • Tweets are short, frequent, and instant.


  • Photo and video-based platforms are perfect for sharing classroom activities.
  • Can post Instagram Stories for real-time updates.
  • Use hashtags for organization and discovery.


  • Teachers can create video tutorials and learning resources to share with parents.
  • Also useful for sharing recordings of school events, assemblies, etc.
  • The comments section allows for discussion.

Best Practices for Teachers To Improve Communication With Parents

When using social media for parent-teacher communication, teachers need to follow best practices:

  • Be consistent – Post updates on a regular schedule so parents know when to expect new information.
  • Encourage interaction – Ask questions, run polls, and prompt comments to get parents engaged.
  • Share multimedia – Use photos, videos, graphics, and other media to make posts more visually appealing.
  • Be responsive – Reply to parent comments and questions in a timely manner to keep the conversation flowing.
  • Provide useful resources – Share links, docs, curriculum info, study tips, and other resources parents will find valuable.
  • Keep private info private – Do not share sensitive or private student information on public platforms. Keep communication focused on academics, school events, etc.
  • Review privacy settings – Use private groups, and custom privacy settings, and be thoughtful about what you post.

Tips for Parents To Improve Communication With Teachers

Parents can also take steps to get the most out of social media communication:

  • Follow classroom and school accounts to stay in the loop. Turn on notifications so you don’t miss important updates.
  • Engage with teachers by liking posts, commenting, answering polls, etc. This shows you’re paying attention.
  • Share noteworthy school updates, events, and news with other parents in your networks to spread the word.
  • Save relevant posts such as resources, documents, or assignment details for future reference.
  • Connect directly with teachers via private message if you have specific questions or concerns.
  • Set notifications so you are alerted when teachers post updates or go live.
  • Check in regularly. Make it part of your routine to check classroom accounts so you don’t fall behind.

Integrating With The School Management System

Many school management systems like school management systems also offer social media integrations or communication features that can enhance schools’ social media strategies. Some features to look for include:

  • Social media plugins to automatically post updates from the school management system to social pages.
  • Image and document sharing capabilities, allowing materials to be distributed from the management system to social posts.
  • Comment moderation and account management tools to monitor engagement on social platforms.
  • User tools like hashtags and groups that let parents customize their own communication preferences.
  • Analytics to track engagement across social channels and see the effectiveness of communication efforts.
  • Mobile parent apps with notifications mirroring social media updates.

Integrating a top-notch cloud based school management system with social platforms creates a unified communication system where updates flow seamlessly between websites, custom apps, and popular social channels. This ensures parents have instant access to the school news they need to stay informed.


Social media has tremendous potential to improve how parents and schools interact and share information. While email is still essential, embracing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can provide new avenues for parents to participate in their child’s education in a more hands-on, real-time way.

By developing a thoughtful social strategy, using best practices, and integrating with school management tech, administrators and teachers can transform how they engage and partner with parents throughout the school year. This leads to stronger school communities, more parental satisfaction, and enhanced support for overall student success and achievement.

What are some precautions teachers should take with social media?

Teachers should be careful not to share sensitive student information online or post anything that might violate FERPA laws. Keeping social accounts private, avoiding oversharing, and maintaining professional communication are best practices.

What if some parents don’t use social media?

While social platforms expand school-to-home communication, more traditional options should still be made available for parents not on social media like email, print flyers, phone calls, etc.

Can parents communicate with teachers via social media?

Yes! Teachers should encourage parents to engage via comments, and messages, using hashtags, and participating in discussions. This facilitates two-way communication.

How often should teachers post updates?

Aim for consistency by posting on a regular schedule, such as daily or weekly, when it makes sense for your class. Avoid posting too infrequently or erratically.

Should schools try to have teachers use one consistent platform?

While that can simplify things, it’s best to meet parents where they already are. Using the top 2-3 platforms parents currently engage on is recommended over trying to get the entire community to adopt a new single platform.

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